
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

No business blogging

Because I have 6 exams in the next week.
2 of which are the cumulative finals for a class that we have had since the beginning of last semester.
But you gotta take time out for yourself, and how else will you know what I'm up to?

Having Harvey here has been awesome, he has been super well behaved and I bring him nearly everywhere with me. If we have a meeting, Harvey goes. If I have to study at night at school, I bring him with. Plus we go to the park and such too. I think he really is having a vacation.

Other than that it is mostly studying. I mean I wish I could say that I have been doing super exciting things, but I really do have a lot coming up.

Last weekend we did go out for my girlfriends' birthdays and we made them Bingo cards for our class. Meaning that they each got a card to play Bingo on and the spaces have things that people in our class do all the time. Some of the spaces were quotes and some were actions
"but you said!"
"Will this be on the test?"
"One time....(insert long story about aunt's neighbor's great nephew's dog)"
Cell phone ringing

So they were fun to make and fun to read over and weren't super expensive!

So finals week in vet school is like finals week in undergrad only harder.
There are more tests, with more on them, and less time.
But it is doable I believe. What is important is to try to spend a little time on everything and to try to remember what classes are the most important. For example, I am not doing very well in nutrition, so that makes me want to study for it like no body's business, but that would be silly because it is worth hardly any credits where as my microanatomy class is worth quite a bit and the final is cumulative...and part of it is tomorrow. So that is what I should be doing.

Shame on you all for distracting me. Tsk, tsk....

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Pandora Makes My Day Epic Again

Ok I really do have work to do, but I had to tell y'all about how is rocking my world. So it predicts what I want to listen to and sometimes it feels like someone is making a little life soundtrack for me.

And today, when I have so much work to do and it is right before finals, it plays one of my favorite songs!

Listen to it and your day will feel like it is going to be EPIC!
So watch it but ignore Micheal Bolton's bad hair.
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