
Monday, April 30, 2012

Written 4/12/12 but again weirdly did not get posted...

A million things were going on in my life around this time...

So I guess I will give a bulleted list and then just elaborate later if I have time....

  • My parents watched the Addie-cat and spoiled the crap out of her. She is continuing to lick people and if you don't want to be exfoliated then it is kinda annoying
  • I went to Gatlinburg for my friend's bachelorette and it was so much fun. We stayed at a cabin in the smokies with a hot tub on the porch, went for a hike in the mountains...
  • It deserves it's own bullet: I saw 2 bears!!!!!
  • Had so much amazing food there. I'm not kidding. Best BBQ ever.
  • Loved having a 3 day sleepover with some of my girlfriends. I forget how much fun it is, you don't do that much after high school.
  • Came back and relaxed. Kind of a lot
  • I went home for Easter and it was so great! We dyed Easter eggs and even went on an Easter egg hunt even though we are far, far to old for it. psh.
  • Still am having so much fun at  vet school, classes this block are not especially taught well, for various different reasons but that part kinda sucks.
  • On the bright side I am starting my research which is flat out terrifying!!! Someone goes in everyday to the ICU and every dog needs to be evaluated to see if they are eligible for our study. If they aren't then no biggie and we go on with our lives but if they are.....Then it gets scary, well for my because you have to call the clinician and see if it is ok if you draw blood from their patient. Then you have to call the client and see if theeeey think it's ok. See why that would freak a shy kid out?Then you have to get blood and when I went for the first time by myself I asked a 3rd year to help me and he had me try doing it. One of them was kind of fat and he even had a hard time doing it, but the other...
  • I got blood from a dog all by myself!!! YAY!
  • Then I take it to the lab and do things with machines and pipettes that make me feel like a bad ass.
  • Plus I had to write the standard operating procedures for the lab stuff and it was kinda of nerve-wracking, but when I sent it to Dr. VRSP, she said "Good job Breanna...." and then the rest of her email was boring but the beginning was like getting a gold star!
  • Ran 2.5 miles today and felt fine,so that was nice after not running
  • My parents dog ate my mom's Kindle. Not funny for her, but a little funny if you ignore the cost of said kindle.
  • Also before break my roomies and I painted canvases! I will post pictures later :)

It is so gorgeous!

This weirdly didn't get posted a week ago...

It is a beautiful sun shiny day.
This block has been rather awful with some teachers that were not effective and one who is genuinely unpleasant/ranty/awful/mean. It puts everyone in a bad mood, but anatomy is almost over!

We have an awful finals week coming up, but I had a great weekend last weekend to make up for it! My aunt and uncle and cousins and parents and brothers and neighbors all came into town for open house. It was so fun, animals everywhere and fun things to do and I got a really cool shirt. It was so fun to get to show everyone my school and what I am doing.

We also have had some neat club meetings. In ZEW club I got to hear about some of the neat things older students have done to learn more about exotics. Some of them went to different vet schools to their pocket pets and exotics rotations. I think that would be something I would be interested in for sure. I think working on rabbits, reptiles, birds, etc... would be a good way to keep me interested and add a lot of variety to my practice when I graduate. We'll have to see, I can never make up my mind.

We left and went to a plant sale distracted...skipped class.... got ice cream and studied outside. It is beautiful and feels good to not be in class!
What a beautiful day.

Finals week update.

7 tests in a week.
3 are already done, yay!!!
Had one Friday and 2 today.
Worked the overnight last night and am starting to lose a little bit of steam. It was a good and chill night with easy animals and not too much drama. This is a nice change from things trying to die all the time. Also a lot of long term patients who have been in the ICU for a week or more so they have a handle in how the whole system works.
Have a few classes today but mostly they are annoyingly spread out.
Got to babysit my little nephew dog this weekend and he was so precious and cute and good. It was so fun! Also Addison Marie was deeply smitten with him and wanted to play with him and snuggle with him and in general just be besties full time.
It was precious.

Ugh finals.

3 down - 4 to go