It was on a bulldog because bulldogs almost always give birth by Cesarean section because they cannot give birth normally. I think if you can't be born naturally then maybe you weren't supposed to exist. Bulldogs can't breathe, have horrible skin, get fungus in their wrinkles, can't give birth, general badness, and I really don't think there should be more of them. I think this in theory course.
Now in actuality, I think this little bulldog has a fantastic personality and the 8 (can you believe it? 8!) little pups that she gave birth to were precious. And since there were 8 of them, it was all hands on deck for the puppy shaking. Yes you heard me right. In order to get the fluid out of their little noses, we rubbed them hard with towels and - with their heads facing away from our bodies - lifted them up a little ways and then down towards the ground. This uses gravity to get the fluid out. But it really really looks like you are trying to shake a baby.
There is nothing quite like waiting for a little pup to take a breath and once it starts breathing? You feel so proud that you got that started! And she was such a good momma! She was falling asleep sitting up but she never stepped on a puppy or kept them from nursing. Imagine waking up from surgery to 8 puppies. Ack!
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That's her falling asleep with the hungry little monsters! |
In addition to the births, we have had a lot of dogs coming in late in the evening with possible heat stroke. One of them, a dog we'll call Buddy, could barely move his back legs. So you run the cold water over them, in the case of a really over heated dog you even put ice packs on them, and then just give them fluids and support. The reason Buddy was special is because he couldn't move his back legs and there was nothing wrong with him that we could find. But with 3 days of feeding him canned food and cleaning up after him every time he peed GALLONS in his kennel, and being available when he needed his temp taken because he growled at other people and liked me, he was starting to move a little better and got to go home. What sucks is that while I babied him all day long and got kisses and happy tail wags for my trouble, there is no way of knowing how well his owners will keep up. So you send them off with what support you can, and hope that they keep up and he gets going again!
In news with me, I am going to FLORIDA!!! With the family and what is even better is instead of going
Sat - Wedding
Sun - Drive 9 hrs to KC
Mon - drive 15 hrs to Florida
Now I get to fly to KC and then fly back and help Mike set up his apartment! This is gonna work out perfectly because I get family time and time to pack up my room at home and then I get to hang out with Mike and Harv for a few days before Addie and I trek the 9 hrs to KC. Oh and my girls Kira (our golden) and Ivy (our Bernese puppy) are gonna be there too :-)
And Mike and I got to play with a kitten I'm helping a co-worker socialize. Nothing is quite as nice and a kitten snuggling up to you with her little purring motor going full speed :-)
Not too shabby :-)