
Tuesday, August 7, 2012


I really have been uber busy, ask anyone.

But it's no excuse!

I spent this whole past weekend at an absolutely stellar research conference in Colorado. Because I am too lazy to type in full paragraphs, I'll break it down in bullet form then give ya some pics I stole from a class mate :-)
  • food was AMAZING. We had like 3 snack breaks a day with coffee, water, juice, candy bars, chips, ice cream, or at least 3 of the above at every break
  • Free breakfast - 'nuff said
  • Free drinks in the evening
  • Awesome BBQ where I got to hear Temple Grandin speak for the second time. She is amazing and so bad-ass for lack of a better work. Google her. I linked the advertisements for her movie and her book (I own a signed copy).
  • There was free beer.
  • We got $15 to go out on the town and had a blast.
  • When moving from bar to bar, one person yelled "M-I-Z" and everyone else yelled "Z-O-U"
  • Saw my cousin who lives in Colorado and met her dog!
  • So many presentations about seriously cool research projects
  • Presented my poster, did not feel like a moron, dressed like a grown up
  • Dressed like a grown-up all weekend
  • Loooooong bus rides both ways
  • Not much sleep
  • Stayed up too late, got up too early, was happy
  • Hiked in Rocky Mountain National park - 8.5 miles. 
  • For the first time ever, I was the one climbing the big rocks first and was one of the faster hikers. Big change from Outdoor Adventure Club

  • Beautiful lake!
    Look I'm teeny tiny
    Climbing to the edge to get a better pic
 My new roomie moved in and she is awesome! She brought a little bitty dog, but the pup is awfully cute and causes no trouble at all. She is also scared of my cat and my cat is very aware and may or may not chase her for fun. Mean...but funny.

I cannot wait to go to VET and get to know all the first years.

Also cannot wait for my man and I to celebrate 4 amazing years together in a month. It both seems like we've been together forever and like time is passing way to quick. Harvey turned 3 this past month, everything is going too quick!

I have month full of awesome, oh and school is starting too, with a batch of new classes and an insane test schedule. At least 2 every week, sometimes 3. But some days... I get out at 1 pm. In fact, most days I get out then :-)

Life is good and the mountains were beautiful and I am happy.