
Friday, February 17, 2012

So much awesome

Well OK, not everything is awesome. My darling dog does not like being in his kennel when he can hear people downstairs. Thus he felt the need to bark the entire time my roommate was getting ready this morning. One of my roomies does not have class today, so I doubt she appreciated the barking....

But other than that! The dogs get along great. They play and the nap then they play some more. Both are well behaved (except for H-man's slight barking issue) and they love everyone. Couldn't ask for more except for spontaneous largyngitis causing Harvey to lose his voice, hey a girl can dream can't she?

I got into the VRSP program and so did one of my good friends and my roommate! The big symposium where we present our research is in Colorado, and we get to go to it for free. VRSP pays for everything all summer, all trips, all travel, everything we do as a group. Plus I get paid and get a chance to work with one of the clinicians at the hospital doing research on sepsis ( an infection in the body). I also get to go to her house next week and eat dinner and talk sepsis with people smarter than me. Hopefully this will help me when I get to the classes that go with this topic, but if nothing else it is a great networking and learning experience. Maybe I'll figure out what I wanna do with my life....

The boyfriend is at his second set of interviews and likes this school better than he liked the first one. I think it is so cool that he gets to meet all kinds of people and see so many schools. He loves universities and education stuff, so of course he is enjoying himself. I can't wait to find out where he is going and for me to get to listen to someone else talk about their education that is not vet school related. Yay! Also he got me earrings made by the tribe Miami is named for. It's from the trip where he met the chief of the tribe, no big deal :-)

I also got to go to Truman State and talk to the prevent club their with one of my friends. I swear we could talk about vet school forever. It reminds you how cool it is and how much the interview process was terrifying. They had lots of questions about the Mizzou interview and my advice to anyone is as follows.
In the interviews:
- stay calm, they are not trying to triclk you, they want to get to know you
- if you don't know an answer, say so. They can tell when you BS
- know your weaknesses and be able to explain them, I had C's in O chem and you can best believe I was asked about them. And I still got in :-)
- dress professionally
- do a little research on current events in vet med
- go to student doctor network ( Google it). They have a place where people who interviewed post their thoughts and a few questions they got asked, it really helped me prepare

It is such a fun experience to be here and to look back on a time where I thought I wouldn't get in!
In the store yesterday, the bagger said I had a nice selection of food (I had veggies, fruits, yogurts, chicken, hummus, you know...healthy stuff) and then asked me if I cooked much. I said I was usually busy because I was in vet school but that when I did I freeze it and heat it up later. Then the cashier goes "oh you're in vet school? That was always my dream"
It made me feel two things:
- empathy because obviously it was a dream she let go
- grateful for being able to pursue my dreams.

I have a clinical skills final tonight which I think will go fine and then we get to celebrate 2 of my friends birthdays with Mexican food and margaritas! Yay!
Have a great day all and Happy Birthday Miami University! Congrats on 203 years of being awesome!