
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Things I forgot were awesome when I blogged yesterday

Today we shopped. I finally bought my little metal statue of Nandi (the bull that Shiva the Destroyer rides) which was amazing because I have scouring Hampi for the perfect one and ended up buying two. But they are little and I have become quite smitten with Nandi since I've come to India.

But I forgot that the past 2 nights we ate at the rooftop restaurant, Durga which is awesome. We sat at long tables on cushions on the floor with paper lamps creating ambiance and people randomly picking up instruments and playing in the background. And did I mention you can see the temples from there? Or that the first night we had killer pizza? Or that it REALLY smelled like pot? --yea India is really into pot-- and even though alcohol is FORBIDDEN here, you can in fact order a rum and coke. I didn't, but it IS possible.

But anyways there was a drummer and a wooden flute thingy and a didgeridoo from Australia (but a small one) and guitar and it was wonderfully hippie. Especially when one man took out one of those illusion ball things that looks like they float and starting doing this weird floaty ball dance. It was baller.

We met a lovely pair of French people. I say pair because they are not dating but there are two of them. The French are out in full force in India, Kevin (the Frenchman) says it is a case of collective consciousness because at about this time every year all the French start towards India. It is nice for eavesdropping because my spoken French is poor but I comprehend rather well. We had discussions on culture and India experiences, reasons for travel, etc...

It is great to meet so many people with many different reasons for travel. I do find that most of us plan to return to India though, this place is too special to just leave and forget.

Anything else about today? It was really rainy and so we spent some time soaking India in and bargaining. Shopping with a purpose can be quite the all day job, it's taken me 2 days to find the perfect Nandi statues at the perfect price (all of $5 for 2 of them but they are small) and spent a lot of that time bartering and also trying to decide how much weight I was willing to carry back with me.

Getting close to coming home and still enjoying every minute!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Bree! Reading the end of your blog about how much weight you are willing to carry back reminds me of a funny conversation I had with your parents Friday night. We were comparing what you took to India vs. what Rikki has packed for only a week long trip to NY. Enjoy your last week in India and I will truly miss your blogging!! Safe travels home :)
