Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Being a better student
As I become a better student and I get better at really trying to integrate information, it seems I have less time for jacking around on the computer.
Our classes this block are still not super intriguing, but things are getting so much more applicable. I know that pharmacology isn't particularly interesting, but I have always wanted to know why drugs do what they do. I see them used in the clinic and I am pumped to know why we pick one drug over another. It is hard and takes a lot of mental work (ie. paying attention in class and using my brain for all 50 minutes of it). We'll see if it's as rewarding as I hope it is :-)
We are also taking a new class (as in they have never done it before) where we learn about emergency response. We get the training necessary to be a part of the Missouri Veterinary Response team and get to learn about disaster relief and our part in all of it. It can be a little dry because they are all government power points but it is very practical and awesome. Veterinarians play a HUGE role in public health (actually that is the name of one of our other classes this block - Public Health) because they handle food inspection, learn about both the animal AND human side of pathogens that can jump species (such as West Nile), and take care of the livestock that produce the meat and dairy that we all eat. Today I get to practice taking on and off (called donning and doffing) super protective gear in case of biohazards. Gonna look like an alien. Gonna be awesome.
And we have more pathology still. Pathology is really important and luckily we have new teachers who do not suck so much and I am learning more. It is all about the big problems you would see if you opened up an animal and how you would know what caused them. If you see that a dog has an ovarian tumor, is it most likely cancer? Is it producing a hormone? What kind of tumor is it most likely? So that is hard to get through sometimes, but again is incredibly practical.
And then there's public health. Right now we are learning about a salmonella that only people get...and how they get diarrhea. People are gross. That's really how I feel about that. Glad I am not a human doctor. Just saying.
Everything else is going great! Get to see the boyfriend almost every month and get to go see his school over Thanksgiving break! I also will get to go home for weeks this winter including a trip to the homeland for family Christmas and hopefully a visit with my new little niece :-)
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Some days are just awesome.
Yesterday stared off well and continued in the same way.
Here is my day in order
1) In in the morning my roommate walked downstairs with the "Life's a Happy Song" song from the Muppets playing
2) Took a test and for once everything went my way - if I was down to 2 choices, I picked the right one; if I changed an answer, I changed to the correct answer
3)came home and took the best nap. NEVER underestimate the power of a good nap
4) Took all 3 dogs to the dog park. Park was packed, dogs ran SO much, roommate's little dog picked the most badass looking big dog and played with him even though she normally doesn't play with dogs
5) came home and watched Bones
6) Took all 3 dogs to Andy's to get frozen custard. Also got some for us. Dogs get free puppy cone. Dogs = happy, people = happy!
7) snuggled with the cat and got some studying done
8) talked to the boyfriend about our niece/nephew who is due on the 9th!
9) Bed by 10:30.
I mean seriously, can you beat that?
Working the overnight tonight, making all the money. Also really like getting some clinic time to keep all my information fresh.
Did you know - the kind of roundworms that come from raccoon poop are the kind that like to migrate into the nervous system and eyes of people? As in they will crawl into your brain and give you seizures...or into your eye and mess up your vision? Parasitology is awesome and so gross. Don't let your dog eat raccoon poop. Just don't do it.
Can't wait to know stuff. Just waiting for the day when I make a diagnoses, treat the animal, and fix it!
But that is also terrifying. One of my roommates is 2 weeks from getting to clinics and I may be the only one who knows why is she is more terrified than excited... Real life is scary and awesome and scary.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Suck less than others
We started with a test on Mon and the moved to a test today at 6:30am. The sun was not even awake. And there was a crap ton of information.
I did not do as well as I had hoped but other people are saying it was one of their worst tests in vet school so I guess since it was not even close to my worst then that means I did well? I don't know if that logic follows, but I'm gonna go with it.
This has made me tired and crabby. However, Mike deals with me well when I am like this. I think I will keep him.
Plus everyone came to visit this weekend! My aunt and uncle came down for the BBQ contest - my uncle judges them - and we just hung out in Columbia. Columbia is a pretty cool town, I mean they have a place that sells strictly alcoholic slushies. How can that be bad?
Ok I apologize that this was probably the least interesting post ever. I'll do better, I promise, when I have rested from this week. I will tell tales of the ICU or at least be entertaining, but right now this is how I feel...
Friday, September 21, 2012
This block is kicking my butt a little.
2-3 tests a week doesn't sound all the bad in theory...except that it kinda sucks.
Just because there is constantly something that you should be studying furiously. All the time.
But on the bright side, all the club meetings are starting and those are my favorite!
The bat lady came to ZEW club last night to talk about white nose syndrome which is causing a lot of death in bats in the US. This could have huge implications for farmers as well as the rest of the ecosystem because 1 bat can eat up to 250lbs of insects a year. Which is a lot.
She also brings a few bats that cannot be released and we get to feed them and see them up close. They have really sweet faces and it is so cool to see the way they eat and move. One of the ones she brought this time was just a baby and if we weren't constantly feeding her, she would just jump off and go in search of food elsewhere. She reminded me of a toddler and it was hilarious.
I am working out a lot and trying to eat healthier, which makes me feel better about myself and is also healthy haha. It helps that there are a lot of us working on our health so there is a good group of people to work out with, swap recipes with, and to tell you that you don't need ice cream everyday :-)
This weekend is the BBQ festival where my uncle comes to judge and he and my aunt come hang out. It is so much fun when people come visit! Columbia is such a fun town and I love getting to see people from home :-)
And now I should go back to learning I guess....
Have a good weekend!
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Best and mostly timely blogger ever!
About that...
I got so busy!!!!
Summer ended and school started and everything went nuts.
So instead of trying to catch you up, here is a synopsis:
people visiting :)
weight loss
So that's what's up in my life. Trying really hard not to get behind in my classes because we have at least 2, but sometimes 3, tests every week and somehow through factors beyond my control all of my weekends are getting taken up!
But with really fun things. Like Mike coming to spend our 4 year anniversary with me, getting a picture taken with us and the animals, going into St. Louis on Sat night to celebrate the anniversary. And going home to babysit my little, baby brother and the dogs. And seeing Mike again.
It's so very stressful to be me.
I did help farrow (farrow = pigs giving birth) some gilts (gilts = first time pig mommies) in the middle of the night. The experience was amazing because I had never dealt much with pigs and especially momma pigs. It was so neat to see them dry off, get their first meal, and start running around like crazy piglets. Even some of the littlest little bitties got up and got going pretty fast.
My friends and I are having a weight loss competition which is a great way to keep ourselves motivated. We all weigh in once a week and the person with the highest percentage at the end gets a Dicks gift card which will be paid for by $10 from each loser :) It is a fun way to encourage each other and keep ourselves healthy as school starts to get real busy. I have been using the app which I HIGHLY recommend. So easy to use, lets you follow your friends and has a barcode counter for easy nutrition fact counting. People who have logged with weight watchers and myfitnesspal say that the food amounts are very similar. I just like keeping track of my food and workouts together.
So enough bout me for now. Everyone is marrying, getting engaged, and having babies. Congrats to everyone!
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
I really have been uber busy, ask anyone.
But it's no excuse!
- food was AMAZING. We had like 3 snack breaks a day with coffee, water, juice, candy bars, chips, ice cream, or at least 3 of the above at every break
- Free breakfast - 'nuff said
- Free drinks in the evening
- Awesome BBQ where I got to hear Temple Grandin speak for the second time. She is amazing and so bad-ass for lack of a better work. Google her. I linked the advertisements for her movie and her book (I own a signed copy).
- There was free beer.
- We got $15 to go out on the town and had a blast.
- When moving from bar to bar, one person yelled "M-I-Z" and everyone else yelled "Z-O-U"
- Saw my cousin who lives in Colorado and met her dog!
- So many presentations about seriously cool research projects
- Presented my poster, did not feel like a moron, dressed like a grown up
- Dressed like a grown-up all weekend
- Loooooong bus rides both ways
- Not much sleep
- Stayed up too late, got up too early, was happy
- Hiked in Rocky Mountain National park - 8.5 miles.
- For the first time ever, I was the one climbing the big rocks first
and was one of the faster hikers. Big change from Outdoor Adventure Club
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Beautiful lake! |
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Look I'm teeny tiny |
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Climbing to the edge to get a better pic |
I cannot wait to go to VET and get to know all the first years.
Also cannot wait for my man and I to celebrate 4 amazing years together in a month. It both seems like we've been together forever and like time is passing way to quick. Harvey turned 3 this past month, everything is going too quick!
I have month full of awesome, oh and school is starting too, with a batch of new classes and an insane test schedule. At least 2 every week, sometimes 3. But some days... I get out at 1 pm. In fact, most days I get out then :-)
Life is good and the mountains were beautiful and I am happy.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Summer, so close!
Only 3 finals and no classes stand between me and summer!
My best friend since elementary school came this past weekend which was so awesome! She finally got to see where I live, meet my friends, go out dancing, and generally enjoy being together which we haven't gotten to do in a long time. I really missed that kid.
My boyfriend has been super amazing, per usual, but this time it involved sending me gorgeous flowers during a really busy week. They are so gorgeous! They are some style of lily with pinks, oranges, and yellows. It's been more than a week and they haven't even started to droop. I have gotten so much enjoyment out of these, they make our kitchen so bright and sunny!
Speaking of summer, I have been having fun despite still having class. I have been boating with the family, laying by the pool, getting blood from dogs, and generally really enjoying this whole block. It is seriously 105° in Missouri but I choose to embrace the heat and try to enjoy the sunlight.
The dogs are still deeply enjoying each others company. To give you a little snapshot into my life, I share the following description of approximately 4:30pm everyday, about half an hour before dinner for dogs:
Dynia - loud yawn with half whine, sad puppy eyes, run frantically to the food bowl.
Myself and my roommate - "it is not dinner time"
Both dogs hear the word dinner
Harvey and Dynia - cock head to the side, wiggle tail/nub, do half dance towards the food bowl
Harvey - jump on top of my roommate's notes and curl up with his face near to hers to be in the best possible location for the dinner announcement.
Roommate or myself - "are you a hungry puppy?"
Both dogs - frantic jumping , running to bowl and back, wagging tail/nub, ears perked up
Humans - "tell me!"
Both dogs - quiet whine with frantic running
Humans "tell me louder!"
Both dogs - "obnoxious bark"
Harvey then dashes upstairs and Dynia runs to her food bowl.
And that repeats.....Every evening....
At least they are smart crazies.
I am so happy to be finally done with classes, even if we do have 3 finals left. It just gives me hope that the summer is coming. Even though I will be working in the lab pretty much full time, at least there won't be studying and homework and my evenings will actually belong to me. I really can't wait for all the fun trips we have planned for VRSP (the research program I'm doing). I will get to go camping and go on a float trip which will involve just enough learning to make feel productive while I float down the river while drinking. It's hard being a research scholar ;-)
On a more serious note, I am really learning a lot in research. Even if I wasn't learning anything about inflammation and Sepsis because I haven't really started the lab work on my project, just going into the ICU a couple times a week makes me feel like a part of the hospital and keeps me up to date on what is going on. I also get to meet a lot of clinicians and look at numerous patients to get a feel for the cases and what kind of problems are common in the intensive care unit.
The summer is trying to drag me in, my brain keeps telling me to study for my finals, but my summer brain keeps telling me that there are so many books I want to read. Just wait summer brain, all in due time.
One of friends is fostering kittens for the humane society. There a 3 kittens with a combined weight of 4.5 lbs. If you are too poor for cable, I suggest kitten fostering. Food, litter, and toys are all paid for. All you gotta do is keep them from electrocuting themselves, feed them, and let them entertain themselves and you. Absolutely crazy and hilarious. I will try to post a video of them later.
Go enjoy your summer you lucky ducks, I'll be joining you soon!
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Clicker Training
You use a clicker to "mark" the good behaviors. For instance I am teaching H to touch a measuring cup with his nose.
The clicker is one similar to the ones shown here:
You know how long it takes to get a treat out of your pocket or how long it takes to say "Good dog"? Well that time makes it hard to get a dog to know exactly what you think is awesome. Since the dog learns to associate the clicker with a treat, the click tells that dog that they did a good job. The sound is an immediate signal that the exact thing you wanted was the right thing to do. '
I am teaching H the command "Touch" because it can lead to other fun tricks and I can put the cup different places and get him to go away from me to "Touch". One of my friends is very into dog training of all kinds and she wants to show me how to teach him scent discrimination. This would teach him to pick out the object that I touched specifically, pretty cool huh?
Thought I'd share a little about my non vet school life. It's not all studying haha!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Summer got real.
Easy classes still have tests and when you spend your weekends visiting your family, going to weddings, and hanging with your boyfriend.
But the busier I am, the more productive I am - which bodes well for the days ahead.
Saturday I will be driving to Kansas City to celebrate my not-so-little brother's 21st birthday!!! Finally he is legal and we are going to the Power and Light district to party with the world's most fun parents :-)
But next week I have 3 tests, a paper, and a presentation.
My bf left today after an amazing 10 day visit. I told him it is kind of like someone giving you a sneak preview of a movie. When he stays for a weekend, it's like seeing a few minutes of the movie and you can remember the whole time that it's only a preview. But with ten days it is like someone let me watch the whole first half hour, you get a little sucked in and you start to forget that you don't get to see the ending. It was so fun having here though. I gotta say, he is a top notch wedding date. Friendly, fun, and he dances. He asked me to dance for almost every slow song; spun me, dipped me, couldn't ask for a better partner.
The Harv-man is here for good! He and my roommate's dog are so happy to see each other that they can't even stand it. H may be out of shape, but he won't be for long with all this playing. Plus I get to take him to the park and we are going to start taking longer walks in the morning. Good for me, good for him and hopefully the exercise will keep him from barking in his kennel.
I think I will keep getting up early to study and hopefully get ahead so I am not dying with all my stuff next week. I obviously won't be studying Saturday night ;-) At least this block I get out around 2 or 3 instead of 5 or 6pm.
I just got an email saying that - as long as Dr. VRSP says I have room in my research schedule - I get to go help out with the VET program this summer. For those of you have been reading my blog, that is the program where the 1st years go and get to know each other at the lake. I wrote about it here, here, and here. It was an amazing bonding experience and I feel so lucky to get to be a part of it this year! Hopefully. If it all works out.
Well off to get some laundry done. I really think that during V school you should get to take time off from housework stuff... just sayin.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Major Important things
Thing one.
My boyfriend AND my dog are here. For ten days. It is so awesome I can't even explain. We went to hang with some of my friends on Sat and then to visit my family on Sun. I haven't seen him in little while so it's great to get to spend some down time with him and to have him around when I study and what not.
Also Harvey is staying with me for the next 2 years, which is way fun because - as you would guess- vet students do a lot of dog related outings such as dog park time, hikes, etc...
Thing two:
I am now Treasurer of Small Ruminants and Camelids club.
That's a club all about goats, sheep, deer, alpacas, and llamas. So that is really cool. The club was not really active this year, so we have some pretty big plans of different labs to do and trips to take. I know very little about them, but I love the learning and all my friends are on the board so that makes it even more awesome!
Sorry, but I am off to be gloriously happy about my significant other being here, you understand :-)
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Love love love
I absolutely love general pathology.
We are learning about the different problems that you can see on necropsy and I am just smitten. Maybe it is because the teacher is so well organized, maybe because the pictures are cool, but I think a lot of it comes from how logical it is. If your heart isn't pumping correctly, then it isn't moving the blood out of your lungs as well. This means that you won't get as much oxygen to your tissues and that there will be blood pooling in your lungs. It'll be hard to breathe. That makes sense! It's like when I would solve algebra equations for the first couple of times, it just all adds up correctly.
So that is awesome, I really enjoy having a class that is so practical. We are learning a lot of terminology that shows up in the ICU and stuff so it is fun when I go into work and recognize what the words really mean.
We also have a bacteriology class that is brutally boring. Nicest prof ever. Horribly, mind-numbingly, gag-inducingly boring.
But everything else is quite literally sunshiny and happy. We have been going to the rec and the pool all the time and I am already tan. Yea, in May. That never happens!
I also got to go to a reptile handling lab for ZEW club and learned how to properly do a physical exam/restrain lizards, snakes, and turtles. It was fun to see the different kinds of reptiles some of my classmates have. Some of them were really tame and almost snuggly. I know that sounds weird, but I had an iguana snuggle into my neck and chill out and a snake try to get a little too personal and wiggle down my sleeve. Note: he was thwarted and did not ACTUALLY end up down my shirt. I came out wanting a snake and also thinking that my little bro really should get a bearded dragon. No worries mom, I am not actually getting a snake...even though it would be cool....even though it would help me become more proficient at reptile handling.....even though you said I could have whatever I wanted when I had my own house.
I had a huge breakthrough a few days ago. It wouldn't have been a big deal for anyone who has drawn a lot of blood, but for me it was huge.
I have drawn blood a few times, but every time I had someone guiding me and looking at what I was doing "oh you wanna go more medial, if you pull out a little it should be there" and that kind of thing. This time I told the tech I had only drawn blood a few times and she helped me through it. But the difference was that she was restraining the dog like she would for anyone else and couldn't see what I was doing! So I was correcting my own mistakes and completely in control. I only had to stick once and only redirected my needle once. It was such a big deal for me because drawing blood is a great skill to have and it really scares me. Slowly getting better at Vet Med.....
Let me know if there is anything you'd like to see me write about, otherwise I'll just keep updating you about my life. Hope your weather is as nice as ours :-)
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Ip5 = heaven
I am learning how things go wrong in the body.
It involves all the classes I have taken.
I am smitten with general pathology.
We aren't even learning crazy interesting things, but the processes involved just have me enthralled. To be fair we are learning about pus and necrosis and other gross things, but I love it.
I have also started working in my summary/timeline for VRSP. I was really nervous because I sent my very shortish very rough draft to Dr. VRSP-mentor and I didn't want her to think I was a moron. I spent like 2 hours learning about sepsis and systemic (whole body) infections and what we know in animals and what we know in humans and I can tell I have barely scratched the surface. Luckily when she emailed me back she said that I had done a great job and was a good writer.
And then I fainted.
Just kidding.
But I did squeal....
Not kidding, luckily I was in my room alone. Awkward.
And then she gave me some things to fix, but let's focus in the awesomeness of the words "you" and "good" in the same sentence referencing me.
It was a good ego booster because,...
I went to honors night and helped them seat donors and herd people towards the buffet etc....and as I listened to third and fourth years get awards for being awesome at things I had this little panic. I know I am going to be a competent vet. I'm getting the education and
I care enough, no worries. But what if I am never awesome at anything? I mean I would love to be a vet and have someone go "oh. Yea ask her that, she is really good at.....insert skill here." Just a little worry you have when you start panicking about clinics when you suddenly become a second year and realize you are a year away from third year and third year you start clinics.
Ah stop thinking about it!
Um what else is important in my life?
I am working in the ICU a lot and I really am getting more competent there and more comfortable. It feels good to have at least a baseline if comfort before clinics. The techs know me and I feel comfortable with them and I cannot even explain how much you want them on your side. Ir how awesome they are in general.
So IP5 is as great as people said it would be. We get done by like 1:30 or 2 most days and noon some days. No more anatomy lab taking up all of my week, weather is nice, I can go swimming, Harvey will be here in July. It really is great and the classes we have hopefully won't involve studying our lives away which leaves more pool time. I have an obsession with water and the pool and the sun.
So anyway, things are definitely looking good. I really hate that some if my classmates feel the need to brag about their grades in Facebook. Seriously it is so insensitive when there a people around us who are failing out or damn close.
But I do have a personal victory I need to share. Anatomy has never been a problem of mine, I get it pretty easily, I was never ever in danger of failing, when I studied - it stuck. But I always danced the B-C border in grades and always managed to slide slightly to the C side. All three blocks. Which I didn't mind because anatomy is hard and I felt pretty comfortable with it. But it still brought my GPA down.
But this block, I got the B! Totally nothing to brag about, but it was a nice little personal victory for me and so I felt it should get included in my little life recap. And we are all friends here and you aren't trying to compete with me. Hell you'd probably kick my butt in anatomy. But I'm OK with it because I finally achieved slightly above average!
PS sorry for the typos, I don't have spell check on my tablet :-)
Monday, April 30, 2012
Written 4/12/12 but again weirdly did not get posted...
So I guess I will give a bulleted list and then just elaborate later if I have time....
- My parents watched the Addie-cat and spoiled the crap out of her. She is continuing to lick people and if you don't want to be exfoliated then it is kinda annoying
- I went to Gatlinburg for my friend's bachelorette and it was so much fun. We stayed at a cabin in the smokies with a hot tub on the porch, went for a hike in the mountains...
- It deserves it's own bullet: I saw 2 bears!!!!!
- Had so much amazing food there. I'm not kidding. Best BBQ ever.
- Loved having a 3 day sleepover with some of my girlfriends. I forget how much fun it is, you don't do that much after high school.
- Came back and relaxed. Kind of a lot
- I went home for Easter and it was so great! We dyed Easter eggs and even went on an Easter egg hunt even though we are far, far to old for it. psh.
- Still am having so much fun at vet school, classes this block are not especially taught well, for various different reasons but that part kinda sucks.
- On the bright side I am starting my research which is flat out terrifying!!! Someone goes in everyday to the ICU and every dog needs to be evaluated to see if they are eligible for our study. If they aren't then no biggie and we go on with our lives but if they are.....Then it gets scary, well for my because you have to call the clinician and see if it is ok if you draw blood from their patient. Then you have to call the client and see if theeeey think it's ok. See why that would freak a shy kid out?Then you have to get blood and when I went for the first time by myself I asked a 3rd year to help me and he had me try doing it. One of them was kind of fat and he even had a hard time doing it, but the other...
- I got blood from a dog all by myself!!! YAY!
- Then I take it to the lab and do things with machines and pipettes that make me feel like a bad ass.
- Plus I had to write the standard operating procedures for the lab stuff and it was kinda of nerve-wracking, but when I sent it to Dr. VRSP, she said "Good job Breanna...." and then the rest of her email was boring but the beginning was like getting a gold star!
- Ran 2.5 miles today and felt fine,so that was nice after not running
- My parents dog ate my mom's Kindle. Not funny for her, but a little funny if you ignore the cost of said kindle.
- Also before break my roomies and I painted canvases! I will post pictures later :)
It is so gorgeous!
This weirdly didn't get posted a week ago...
It is a beautiful sun shiny day.
This block has been rather awful with some teachers that were not effective and one who is genuinely unpleasant/ranty/awful/mean. It puts everyone in a bad mood, but anatomy is almost over!
We have an awful finals week coming up, but I had a great weekend last weekend to make up for it! My aunt and uncle and cousins and parents and brothers and neighbors all came into town for open house. It was so fun, animals everywhere and fun things to do and I got a really cool shirt. It was so fun to get to show everyone my school and what I am doing.
We also have had some neat club meetings. In ZEW club I got to hear about some of the neat things older students have done to learn more about exotics. Some of them went to different vet schools to their pocket pets and exotics rotations. I think that would be something I would be interested in for sure. I think working on rabbits, reptiles, birds, etc... would be a good way to keep me interested and add a lot of variety to my practice when I graduate. We'll have to see, I can never make up my mind.
We left and went to a plant sale distracted...skipped class.... got ice cream and studied outside. It is beautiful and feels good to not be in class!
What a beautiful day.
Finals week update.
7 tests in a week.
3 are already done, yay!!!
Had one Friday and 2 today.
Worked the overnight last night and am starting to lose a little bit of steam. It was a good and chill night with easy animals and not too much drama. This is a nice change from things trying to die all the time. Also a lot of long term patients who have been in the ICU for a week or more so they have a handle in how the whole system works.
Have a few classes today but mostly they are annoyingly spread out.
Got to babysit my little nephew dog this weekend and he was so precious and cute and good. It was so fun! Also Addison Marie was deeply smitten with him and wanted to play with him and snuggle with him and in general just be besties full time.
It was precious.
Ugh finals.
3 down - 4 to go
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Spring break in pictures
Monday, March 26, 2012
Check it out!
And now it's been awhile...
Actually that's not true, would y'all like to know exactly how it happens?
Well there is a giant finals week of awful
Then you dog-sit for you and your boyfriend's dog
You spend a very short quick evening with your boyfriend while he is in town for grad school interviews
Then you go for a long 4 day weekend to West Lafayette Indiana
Then you have a week of 4 tests
Then you drive 8 hrs to Ohio
Then you spend all day visiting with people
Then you sleep.
At that is pretty much the gist of what you have missed in my life.
But to go into a little more detail....
I was at Purdue University for a symposium. The school gives us 2 days off to go to the SAVMA (Student American Veterinary Medicine Association) symposium which was held at Purdue this year. It was a very busy weekend. Myself and 2 friends drove down on Thursday, went to the opening ceremonies and then to the bar where they had set up dinner, dancing, and drinks. I think if we didn't know the whole time that we had 4 tests coming up the next week, it could have been a little more fun focused. But either way we had an absolute blast. We woke up early the next morning, attempted to catch the shuttle, which was taking 40 min instead of 20, and eventually made it to the bus to Chicago. 3 of my friends and I were lucky enough to get signed up for a day trip to The Shedd Aquarium which is one of my favorite places on the planet. We also got to see the whole veterinary clinic and stuff, which isn't very big because they do most stuff tank side. It was still another step in hopefully, at some point, maybe, figuring out what I want to do with my degree. But the coolest part about the Shedd was that one of my friends had never seen a body of water as big the lake. It was so cool watching her get all excited about it.
We also got dinner or lunch served to us most nights and we spent most of Saturday listening to lectures. They always had about 10 lectures going on, each in a different category of veterinary medicine. They had shelter med, exotics, behavior, forensics, food animals, production medicine, all kinds of different lectures, so many that you feel like you were gonna miss something just by picking one over another.
There was also a big closing gala and I got to hear Temple Grandin speak. If you don't know who she is you can go to her website here. But it was really amazing and I bought her book which she signed for me. All around another great vet med experience!
And I'm pretty darn sure I did ok on all my exams that week, yay!
But now I am chilling on the bf's futon, watching Felicity (show from the late 90s, wikipedia it here!) and thinking about maybe getting dressed at some point...or maybe not. Luckily I don't have to until the dog decides he absolutely has to go outside. Viva Spring Break!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Zoo trip
I have a lot to write about, but I'll try to at least tell the story of my behind-the-scenes tour of the Kansas City zoo before it gets to far from my memory.
The vet who runs their veterinary hospital is flat out amazing.
I don't really know any other way to describe such an awesome guy, and we had a magical and very informative trip to the zoo. He took us through the entire hospital, showing us all the equipment and drugs, telling stories about everything and anything, making hilarious jokes about Kansas, and challenging us to use the knowledge we have.
We got to see the way they use thermal imaging to detect bruises in thick skinned animals such as elephants; you can see blood vessels running to a wound in her eat that are completely invisible to the naked eye. We saw radiographs of cheetahs, giraffes, and even bluegill and talked through the anatomy and evolutionary history of each.
<p>But best of all, we got to try using the blow gun to dart a fake deer. By blow dart I do mean the type where you blow into the end and the dart with a little tassel silently glides through the air and hopefully hits its target. Dr. zoovet can hit a house cat in the hip from about 50-100 ft away. Just hearing the way the vet care is performed was riveting. He did the first root canal ever done on an elephant and told us that story as well as stories of elephant births and broken legs in little toads.
After letting us ask him anything we wanted and listening to how personally he takes each and every death of an animal in care, it was easy to see that this is the kind of vet I want to be. To work 21 years in the same job and still be excited by each procedure and to still take it as a personal failure each time an animal dies, that is certainly the gold standard of a veterinarian, at least in my eyes.
After the tour he took us to the barn when many of the hoof-stock are kept, including the giraffes! The large male giraffe, Murphy, leaned his head down to the window of the big wooden door and inspected each of us as we walked by, his big brown eyes so interested as if he was wondering "why didn't you grow more than that?" His head was HUGE. A good 3 ft tall at least and he was just so nosy. Walking past his stall, we then passed the females and the two babies. One of the babies peeked her head around the edge of the divider and watched us file past. We also ostriches, okapis, and spring bok.
going behind the scenes makes you feel a little like royalty, but even when we were just walking around the zoo we had such a great experience. The keeper by the orangutans told us the story of the little baby and how he got to help raise her until a surrogate mother was found. The polar bear was flipping somersaults in his pool and the keeper told us about how the bear would be getting a girlfriend when he hit sexual maturity at around age 7. It was just such a priceless look into a part of veterinary medicine which I may never get to work closely with.
It makes me even more excited to get a behind the scenes tour of the Shedd Aquarium's animal hospital when I go to SAVMA symposium next weekend!
Friday, March 2, 2012
VRSP updates
So I finally get to her house after some problems with directions and it is this beautiful farm house. Huge and from the 1800's. She has completely redone the house and it is just amazing. Flat out amazing.
But she has made us this huge mexican taco dinner and it is me and like 10ish other people. Phd students, masters students, internal medicine residents, other clinicians, everyone was definitely older/wiser/ not a vet student. So I was understandably nervous. It was a little like going to a doctor you have seen on a TLC special. You know their names, you have spoken to them in passing, and you know they know a lot. I have worked in the ICU with some of these people, but I am in the background helping, I'm not up in their business or having meaningful conversations. It is like meeting a celebrity only way nerdier.
But we chat about animals and pets and how vets are not great vets to their own animals. We either ignore stuff or freak out about everything or basically do all the things normal pet owners do, except we should know better. I had a great time with these people and it was so much fun.
Then we got to discussing the paper. The paper was an article about a group of experts who got together to talk about the current protocols for Sepsis (this is the definition according to the Mayo Clinic - Sepsis occurs when chemicals released into the bloodstream to fight the infection trigger inflammation throughout the body. This inflammation creates microscopic blood clots that can block nutrients and oxygen from reaching organs, causing them to fail. If sepsis progresses to septic shock, blood pressure drops dramatically and the person may die.). In other words it's when a really big infection affects your entire body. But this paper was using research to suggest different treatments by citing many different studies that say it will work instead of just one doctor's opinion. It was pretty cool, but....
...the coolest part was that I actually understood the physiology behind the processes. I understood why a treatment might be suggested, why it wouldn't work, why it only works sometimes. I mean I don't know enough to be able to offer up my own opinions just by reading, but when the clinicians are talking about it, I totally understand. This was a huge moment for me. It made me feel like I was going somewhere and that I could have opinions and a valid understanding of medicine already.
It was unbelievable.
Remember when you rode a bike for the first time without training wheels?
This was me gliding down a hill, no training wheels, all by myself :-)
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Minor Mental Breakdowns Mended with Meals
I had a minor mental breakdown about my anatomy test the night before and then one of Harvey's teeth fell out for no apparent reason and I kind of lost it... Just a little. I was giggle-crying. There's a chance I was a little overtired...Just a chance...
And yesterday's anatomy exam did not go well. I don't think it really went well for most people, but it was a bit of a horror film of a test.
Luckily it was over and we went out for lunch! But after lunch we immediately started Block 4. Because technically our new block started yesterday, we just had to take the last test of Block 3 first. It was a little rough, but it is so amazingly nice to start new classes. I cannot even explain the joy of putting microanatomy and nutrition behind me. It was a joyous occasion and I would have done a little dance had I not been so knock-down,drag-out tired.
Speaking of a new block....
Here is my schedule for the next 8 weeks!
I start everyday at 9 am, no early 8am days! But I still have anatomy lab 4 days a week. I have anatomy lab Tues-Fri from 9am-12. This is great because we can go right into lab, no class before hand, but it sucks for the same reason because there is no reason not to skip at least part of lab when it is your first class. But oh well, c'est la vie.
I have epidemiology 5 days a week at various times. This is the study of disease in herds/populations. So like when there is an epidemic this is the field that finds out how the problem started, how it can be fixed, exactly how bad it is, and how we can keep it from happening again. The tests are open note and open I hope that means it will go well and not that it will be so awful that even my notes won't help.
We still have developmental anatomy once a week. We love the professor and the tests are amazingly straight forward and pretty easy. It is also really interesting to learn how the body develops in the uterus and even more so to learn how things can go wrong. Did you know that people/animals can be born without hearts or without lungs or with them in weird places? Or that the esophagus can grow like it's supposed to and then just spontaneously become a blind pouch? You don't realize it until your baby is regurgitating everything it eats because it never gets to the stomach. PS. We can fix that. Medicine is way cool.
We are also taking endocrinology (study of hormones/a little reproduction) and immunology (the study of immunity and immune reactions). I haven't had immunology yet, but the man who teaches endocrine is fabulous and hysterical. All you need in vet school is a few good laughs to get you through the day.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
No business blogging
2 of which are the cumulative finals for a class that we have had since the beginning of last semester.
But you gotta take time out for yourself, and how else will you know what I'm up to?
Having Harvey here has been awesome, he has been super well behaved and I bring him nearly everywhere with me. If we have a meeting, Harvey goes. If I have to study at night at school, I bring him with. Plus we go to the park and such too. I think he really is having a vacation.
Other than that it is mostly studying. I mean I wish I could say that I have been doing super exciting things, but I really do have a lot coming up.
Last weekend we did go out for my girlfriends' birthdays and we made them Bingo cards for our class. Meaning that they each got a card to play Bingo on and the spaces have things that people in our class do all the time. Some of the spaces were quotes and some were actions
"but you said!"
"Will this be on the test?"
"One time....(insert long story about aunt's neighbor's great nephew's dog)"
Cell phone ringing
So they were fun to make and fun to read over and weren't super expensive!
So finals week in vet school is like finals week in undergrad only harder.
There are more tests, with more on them, and less time.
But it is doable I believe. What is important is to try to spend a little time on everything and to try to remember what classes are the most important. For example, I am not doing very well in nutrition, so that makes me want to study for it like no body's business, but that would be silly because it is worth hardly any credits where as my microanatomy class is worth quite a bit and the final is cumulative...and part of it is tomorrow. So that is what I should be doing.
Shame on you all for distracting me. Tsk, tsk....
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Pandora Makes My Day Epic Again
And today, when I have so much work to do and it is right before finals, it plays one of my favorite songs!
Listen to it and your day will feel like it is going to be EPIC!
So watch it but ignore Micheal Bolton's bad hair.
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Friday, February 17, 2012
So much awesome
Well OK, not everything is awesome. My darling dog does not like being in his kennel when he can hear people downstairs. Thus he felt the need to bark the entire time my roommate was getting ready this morning. One of my roomies does not have class today, so I doubt she appreciated the barking....
But other than that! The dogs get along great. They play and the nap then they play some more. Both are well behaved (except for H-man's slight barking issue) and they love everyone. Couldn't ask for more except for spontaneous largyngitis causing Harvey to lose his voice, hey a girl can dream can't she?
I got into the VRSP program and so did one of my good friends and my roommate! The big symposium where we present our research is in Colorado, and we get to go to it for free. VRSP pays for everything all summer, all trips, all travel, everything we do as a group. Plus I get paid and get a chance to work with one of the clinicians at the hospital doing research on sepsis ( an infection in the body). I also get to go to her house next week and eat dinner and talk sepsis with people smarter than me. Hopefully this will help me when I get to the classes that go with this topic, but if nothing else it is a great networking and learning experience. Maybe I'll figure out what I wanna do with my life....
The boyfriend is at his second set of interviews and likes this school better than he liked the first one. I think it is so cool that he gets to meet all kinds of people and see so many schools. He loves universities and education stuff, so of course he is enjoying himself. I can't wait to find out where he is going and for me to get to listen to someone else talk about their education that is not vet school related. Yay! Also he got me earrings made by the tribe Miami is named for. It's from the trip where he met the chief of the tribe, no big deal :-)
I also got to go to Truman State and talk to the prevent club their with one of my friends. I swear we could talk about vet school forever. It reminds you how cool it is and how much the interview process was terrifying. They had lots of questions about the Mizzou interview and my advice to anyone is as follows.
In the interviews:
- stay calm, they are not trying to triclk you, they want to get to know you
- if you don't know an answer, say so. They can tell when you BS
- know your weaknesses and be able to explain them, I had C's in O chem and you can best believe I was asked about them. And I still got in :-)
- dress professionally
- do a little research on current events in vet med
- go to student doctor network ( Google it). They have a place where people who interviewed post their thoughts and a few questions they got asked, it really helped me prepare
It is such a fun experience to be here and to look back on a time where I thought I wouldn't get in!
In the store yesterday, the bagger said I had a nice selection of food (I had veggies, fruits, yogurts, chicken, hummus, you know...healthy stuff) and then asked me if I cooked much. I said I was usually busy because I was in vet school but that when I did I freeze it and heat it up later. Then the cashier goes "oh you're in vet school? That was always my dream"
It made me feel two things:
- empathy because obviously it was a dream she let go
- grateful for being able to pursue my dreams.
I have a clinical skills final tonight which I think will go fine and then we get to celebrate 2 of my friends birthdays with Mexican food and margaritas! Yay!
Have a great day all and Happy Birthday Miami University! Congrats on 203 years of being awesome!
Friday, February 10, 2012
I am in class...bad Bree
I am in class but I wanted to update y'all on life!
My harv man is a joy to be around and is being a perfect angel.
Except he ate my laptop cord.
But it was an accident.
He was trying to bury the rawhide behind my back on the couch and it accidentally got in his mouth so what's a dog to do?
That's what he told me when I freaked out about it.
May have mentioned it to the boyfriend every time I have talked to him since it happened. In a whiny voice. Loudly....don't know why he puts up with me.
But he and Dynia play hard and then spend most of their time together napping, sometimes together. I'll post pics of it after this post. It will be hard for all of us when we give him back :-(
Did you know that heart problems are the most common congenital defect? Oh the things you learn in class.
Had a nutrition test yesterday. That class makes me lose the will to live. It is taught so poorly and there was so much information and so much memorizing and I did SO poorly. But is OK because a lot of people did crappy and I'm not gonna fail. But it was still a sad sad day for me. But it was also my short day so I went home and took a nap with my roommate's dog and that made everything better. Also made some ham and potatoe soup in the crockpot and felt like Betty Crocker. Win.
I got invited to Sepsis/ SIRS rounds at the Dr. Who I want to do research with's house. Apparently her and the people who do research with her meet once a month and she cooks and everyone socializes and then discusses a paper on sepsis. I am a little nervous to go but I am also really excited because I was included in her mass email about it which makes me think that I will be getting into the research program this summer. I ally do wish I had a single solitary clue what I was doing with my life, but it is kind of exciting to explore all my options. And I will get so god at drawing blood which would be really nice because I have only done it a couple of times and it is a really important skill that you don't get to practice much in school. You learn medecine and how to diagnose but the practical skills are something you get during clinics or out in practice. Any chance I have to practice is great.
Tomorrow my girlfriends and I are having a potluck like we do almost every weekend and I am making chocolate lava cake in the crockpot which sounds soooo delicious. It is so fun to have people to cook for and to hang out with. I love all my v school girls. Yesterday we did tabata ( the workout where you do an exercise really intensly for 20 seconds then rest for 10 seconds and do that for 30 min) and there were 8 of us from our class there. I like that I always see someone from class at the rec. Plus I did tabata twice in one week which was a goal of mine because it kicks my booty so I used to only be able to do it once a week.
For spring break I am going to see the boy from Sat until Thurs. Then on Thurs I will be going to stay in a cabin in the Smokey mountains in Gatlinburg with my girlfriends for my friend bachelorette party. Hiking in one of the most beautiful places in earth? Hell yea! Plus for SAVMA symposium my friend and I both got spots on the trip for the Shedd Aquarium, my other favorite place on earth. The architecture is gorgeous, it's on the lake, and there are beluga whales. Love it so much. Well worth the $30. I also got a spot in a wet lab for canine chiropractics so that should be really fun too!
OK now time for more class :-)
Monday, February 6, 2012
Poor Addie
Things that make the Addie-cat's life sad.
-Mom leaving. Distaste shown by waking up my roommate for snuggles every hour on the hour from 4am until she gets up.
-Mom returning with the frenemy dog. Distaste shown by hiding under various objects end hissing at said dog.
- Being accidentally locked out of the bedroom when she leaves to check for bugs downstairs when mom goes to the bathroom. Distaste shown with pitiful looks in the morning.
- there being 2 dogs downstairs now. Distaste not shown but implied.
She isn't really that upset, but I do feel a little bit bad for her. Not the purring happy reunion she had been anticipating :)
Friday, February 3, 2012
quick update
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Things I meant to write about earlier
Seriously that was a huge goal of mine and I actually would practice the hand motion when I was reading books on cattle this summer (yes I am a nerd). Not only did I get to milk a cow, but I was good at it the very first time and had no problems, so that was a huge win for me.
So far we have worked 3 days with dairy cattle learning how to do mastitis tests, what to feel for, their basic anatomy when they aren't dead and cut up, listening to heart beats and feeling for abnormalities. They still make me a little nervous because they are so big but these cattle are university owned and they are dairy cattle, so they are naturally calmer and easier to work with than most animals.
We also went into the university swine teaching center which I already posted a little bit about (click here to reread :-) But we learned how the animals were cared for, some basics about how you raise pigs, how to catch baby piglets, how to draw blood (we watched, we didn't do this part), and how to assess the health of the pigs without having to grab and restrain each one.
This week we will be working with alpacas and I will be going to the class a day early because I am taking all of Friday off to go visit the boyfriend! I am going to leave early in the morning and get there by dinner time Friday. I am so excited to go see him and Harvey, plus I get to grab lunch with my aunt and my cousin/sister and possibly my favorite nephew-dog.
But wait! There's more! I am bringing the Harv-man back with me. He gets to come stay with me for a little more than a month while his daddy goes to grad school interviews (so proud of him!) and a few work things in Feb. I am so excited for Mike and for having my dog at school finally. The V school is the kind of place where they don't mind if you bring your dog in during a meeting or if you need to bring them in to print something or to study. Harvey is used to going to my Outdoor Adventure Club meetings so I know he will behave himself and I have really missed that dog.
Oh yea I also wanted to give a little blurb about
That in itself is really cool, but there is more. They also plan tons of things that help you expand your experience and get to know more people such as:
- touring research facilities (like the baboon facility in Oklahoma)
- float trips (drinking while floating down a river, 'nuff said)
- a class which begins before the program to help you get some research skills (and you get class credit for it)
- going to a conference at the end of the summer to present your research and have fun with other scholars from other school
- oh, and you get paid more than you would probably get working full time for our short 7 week summer
So that is in the works hopefully. Still don't know what I am gonna do with my DVM. Apparently just wanted to be a vet is not specific enough. I guess it is a good thing that I dont hate anything yet, but I sometimes wish I only wanted to do one thing so I had a goal.
Oh and yesterday I got to practice giving physical exams which may seem like a small thing, but as a first year you are not sure what a heart murmur is supposed to sound like, what things feel like, what is a big deal and what isn't. So that was some awesome practical experience.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Thursday, January 19, 2012
But I did work on my essay for the summer research program at Mizzou. It is a really awesome program where you are mentored by one of the doctors at the school, perform research, and also get to go on all of these fun social and educational events for free! It's a great experience and will really help me figure out if research is something I want in my life. I'll see if I get funded and get the mentor that I want and then I'll be back with the details.
So this block is kind of rough just because we have a lot of late days and lots of tests. On the bright side this is an actual block so it is only 8 weeks!
My normal week looks like this!
Monday: Class and lab from 8-1 and lab from 2-4
Tuesday: Class and lab from 9-1 then class from 2-5
Wednesday: Class and lab from 9-1 the lab again from 4-6
Thursday: Class and lab from 9-1 THEN DONE!
Friday: Class from 8-1 and the clinical skills lab from either 2-3:30 or from 3:30-5
I have Anatomy still but it's large animals so that is cool
Then we have GI physiology, microanatomy still, developmental anatomy, and nutrition which is the most boring class of my life. Seriously. Awful. Horrible.
But then we have clinical skills which is touching real life animals and tomorrow I get to learn how to milk a cow woohoo!
At the ZEW club meeting I learned how to give fluids, handle, and do some basic up keep on big and little birds. I got to meet lots of different kinds and get a little knowledge. Again, I have no clue what I want to do with my life, but I do like exploring my options.
We got through our first big round of tests. In GI physio we have a test every week on Wednesday, which helps you keep up with the info but also means you can never completely have a week off. Oh vet school.
To counteract this, we have been working out like crazy! We all joined where you can get points for working out and basically compete/cheer on your buddies. A bunch of the vet school chicks joined because we all end up at the rec together. Some us are also doing potlucks almost every weekend which is kind of usually sometimes cheaper and definitely a fun way to visit and also eat full meal with sides instead of the "oh maybe I want this...and this....and maybe a salad" method of feeding ourselves.
Our house went through a little panic when our complex went bankrupt and we worried that our rent was gonna go up and we were gonna have to move (ew) thus making me break my promise to Addie-cat that we can stay in one place for 2 years. Plus I would have to move my stuff and after years of moving in and out of dorms....I really really really don't wanna do that! But luckily if we sign the lease early our rent will only go up like $6 a person which makes everything A OK with me.
Tomorrow we don't have our 8am and I don't have to be at school until 8:40 when we are throwing a surprise b-day party for Dr. C because he turning 80 years old! Plus there will be cupcakes....for breakfast... cancel out that running and pilates and pushups I've been doing.
Night all! Stay tuned for more research info and for the 2 upcoming weekends ( in a few weeks) where I get to go to Ohio and then have my best friend from Ohio come to me!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
But I let myself chill out and watch dumb reality TV....
Which is what this post is actually about.
If you haven't seen it, TiVo it, find it online, but you have got to watch "I Cloned My Pet".
I am not kidding, these people are CRAZY!!!!
My roommate and I couldn't look away. These people love these pets more than their spouses, more than their kids, are more sad about their deaths than about those of significant others or parents. One lady has a huge picture of her dog on her comforter, pillows, and wall. She sleeps in bed next to his ashes tucked into a blanket (Trouble liked to curl up in blankets...), she saved the water that was in his bowl when he died....Craziness. A man from Korea has his dog buried but has all her toys sitting on her grave in a little picket fenced area. He has pictures of her everywhere.
This cloning process costs them $50,000-$100,000...
Yea, you read that right.
But they love their pet and they just want them back right? Funny story about cloning. Cloning does not equal duplication. Your dog might look the same (but might not, some colors and patterns change during growth in unpredictable ways), it may have some (I stress some) of the same preferences, but all of the life experiences that made it your beloved pet will not happen.
For example, all the quirky things I love about my animals come from the way they were raised before I ever met them.
Harvey was on a chain outside all day. I guarantee that this had an effect on his attitude and his personality, maybe even his size!
Addie was on her own for four months...I have no clue what happened or where she was, but that is a big part of what made her Addie.
Ivy was raised by one of our very best family friends. Do you think that she would be the same if she had been raised entirely on her own instead of with a passel of her siblings? If she had been raised by me and not her breeder?
They would still be great pets (maybe), their health might be the same (but clones generally live shorter lives), and they might be the same color......
I just wonder if anyone went over this with them before the spent my student loan debt/the cost of a house/ a huge retirement fund on their new puppies.
Then again one lady took her new puppy to a psychic who said the puppy recalled the old dog's last moments meaning that he had the memories of the original.... so I could be wrong.
You gotta watch this show for yourself, it's on TLC and it is worth it for sheer shock value!
Have a good everyone, it snowed here so everything looks beautiful!
Friday, January 6, 2012
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Boom! There's a new semester!
When the worst part of your life is that your cat has decided she can get on the counters after about a year and a half of life....well then you don't have much to complain about do you?
So this semester is all about large animal. Ok, it's not really all about them, but because we have anatomy lab so often the theme of anatomy lab is the theme of life.
Luckily, according to one of the main Large Animal (LA) docs in the clinic, the LA part of clinics is super laid back and fun and funny. Girlfriend has a green streak in her hair, so she knows what's up.
Anatomy lab is slow for many reasons. The first reason is that these animals are large, so everything takes awhile to clean out and find and manipulate. The second reason is that there are about 15 of us in every group, but there is only enough room for so many people to be working at one time. So I spend some time reading from the book and pointing things out. I really miss my old anatomy group. Believe me when I say my new group is a great group by far and there are many groups that are not nearly as easy to get along with. But old group was so fun, I wouldn't mind everything taking so long because we have so much fun together. But I am getting to hang out with some new people so that is really good, change is just hard and last semester was so much fun. It is so neat to be learning about the LA side of things though. I am kind of a moron about that because my parents wouldn't buy me a farm. Rude.
We also start a really neat but not important at all to my grades type class. It's called Clinical Skills and it is essentially a pass/fail, laid back kind of class. It's to get everyone to a baseline of comfort with some basic animal handling skills and just a certain level of comfort around the animals. So for me, the small animal portion will be very easy and the large animal part will be a little trickier. Luckily it should be low key and fun. I think we will all learn a little something and it will be nice to have a more chill kind of class with so many practical applications. I'm so excited because I am in the second group which means that some groups went today and I get to go tomorrow and play with cows! We are all so stoked to touch live animals again that we can't handle ourselves.
Not gonna lie though, I am a little nervous. We are gonna be in groups, but there are somethings that you can only do one at a time. With animals everything is a little iffy and I already hate being the center of attention. What if I embarrass myself? I know it's ridiculous, and I am not even that worried, but these are the kinds of things I think about. We also get to practice different hitches and knots so I'm gonna feel like boy scout.
All in all I feel rather caught up. Most of our classes are focusing on the GI tract, and it is really nice to have that kind of continuity. Nutrition is the most sinfully boring class so far, but as long as boring still = understandable I can just get over it. I am even watching a movie right now and have been reading a real book that is not about animals and their problems.
I really love what I do. Like a lot. Like I am a little afraid to graduate and not have learning new things be my whole job. It is great to a be a student. Oh! And the fact that my housing complex is going bankrupt is having no effect on our lives because we get to sign a new lease this month and our cost is only going up $25 total! That is like $6 a person. Our whole house is ecstatic. The idea of finding a new place really sucked and we were willing to pay nearly anything to stay in the same place for more than a year, that has never happened since undergrad started 5 years ago.
And I'm on a bit of health kick and have been eating veggies and fruits and not subsisting on things you can microwave. This means more of an expense than I prefer, but my rent isn't really going up so I can kind of afford it maybe.
I hope this 60 degree weather holds, because it puts everyone in a fabulous mood.
Or maybe it's just the movie that I am watching. No Strings Attached is hilarious so far.
I gots to get up bright and early to be productive and care about is hard.