
Monday, June 4, 2012

Major Important things

Thing one.
My boyfriend AND my dog are here. For ten days. It is so awesome I can't even explain. We went to hang with some of my friends on Sat and then to visit my family on Sun. I haven't seen him in  little while so it's great to get to spend some down time with him and to have him around when I study and what not.
Also Harvey is staying with me for the next 2 years, which is way fun because - as you would guess- vet students do a lot of dog related outings such as dog park time, hikes, etc...

Thing two:
I am now Treasurer of Small Ruminants and Camelids club.
That's a club all about goats, sheep, deer, alpacas, and llamas. So that is really cool. The club was not really active this year, so we have some pretty big plans of different labs to do and trips to take. I know very little about them, but I love the learning and all my friends are on the board so that makes it even more awesome!

Sorry, but I am off to be gloriously happy about my significant other being here, you understand :-)

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